Wednesday, April 3, 2013

[Columbia Mountain Times] New comment on VOLCANO ACTIVITY IN MEXICO CAUSE AIRLINE ROUTING U....


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: guy perea <>
Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2013 23:06:44 +0000
Subject: [Columbia Mountain Times] New comment on VOLCANO ACTIVITY IN

guy perea has left a new comment on your post "VOLCANO ACTIVITY IN MEXICO

VOLCANO: POPOCATEPETL is currently affecting the Altitude up to 29,000 feet
from the surface as Ash and Volcanic Dust - which does cause damage to
Airplane engines also a major change in upcoming weather models from
increase Ash and Volcanic Dust into the Intertropical Conversion Zone below
20 degrees North to the Zone itself near the main Equator heating that
theory has that less heating from the outpouring of The Volcano but
Volcanic Dust does allow attachment of moisture to affix to and can and
does develope into a high "acid" rain and not favor to agriculture - the
Climate does adjust to such fact with more Moisture in the Conversion zone
but less heating leaving more into a Depression to Tropical Storms - but
less heat needed for Hurricanes - but again is the tracking of where the
Acid Rain travel more into The Westerlies then to The North leaving a
affect on Fishery in The Gulf of Mexico - yet a major affect on extreme
Southern New Mexico and Texas Agriculture in Soil affect - the cleasing of
the Precipitation comes from upstream Gulf of Alaska - but again volcanic
Dust has been high in the extreme Southwestern Alaska - the other affect to
watch in model of Area from Panama Canal to The United States and Mexico
Internation Boundaries if How far South can The Humbolt Current draw South
with Summer Temperatures of 60 degrees of Water as the Southern move of
Lows North and more in Easterly into Mexico then on into Gulf of Mexico
over Mexico itself is leading into Sugar Crops of Florida and Paper Mills
of their Lumber from the affects of VOLCANO: POPOCATEPETL - other concern
is the Vector affect of the stated Humbolt Current and eddies of The
Channel Islands increasing Thunderstorms in Central and Southern California
on into Arizona - is in Model with Northern fetch of The Humbolt Current
can clean somewhat acid out of the Volcanic Ash in a good evapration cycle
and with the upper Desert of Southwest the draw can develope to a local
affect of near or above Normal Crops.

Posted by guy perea to Columbia Mountain Times at April 3, 2013 at 4:06 PM

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